/* Custom theme scripts */ var Codevz = ( function( $ ) { "use strict"; var wind = $( window ), body = $( document.body ), page = $( 'html, body' ), inla = $( '.inner_layout' ).length ? $( '.inner_layout' ) : body; // Custom easing. $.extend( $.easing, { def: 'easeInOutCodevz', easeInOutCodevz: function(x) { return x === 0 ? 0 : x === 1 ? 1 : x < 0.5 ? Math.pow( 2, 20 * x - 10 ) / 2 : ( 2 - Math.pow( 2, -20 * x + 10 ) ) / 2; } }); // Codevz callback. if ( ! $.fn.codevz ) { $.fn.codevz = function( data, callback ) { if ( $( this ).length ) { var $this = $( this ), run = function( e ) { var l = e.length, i = 0; for( i; i < l; i++ ) { var x = $( e[i] ); if ( x.data( 'codevz' ) !== data ) { callback.apply( x.data( 'codevz', data ), [ x, i ] ); } } }; if ( Codevz.inview( $this, 100 ) ) { run( $this ); } else { $( window ).on( 'scroll.codevz', function() { run( $this ); $( this ).off( 'scroll.codevz' ); } ); } } } } return { inview: function( e, offset ) { var offset = offset || 0, docViewTop = wind.scrollTop(), docViewBottom = docViewTop + wind.height(), elemTop = e.offset().top, elemBottom = elemTop + e.height(); return ( ( elemTop <= docViewBottom + offset ) && ( elemBottom >= docViewTop - offset ) ); }, init: function() { if ( ! body.hasClass( 'xtra-no-fade' ) ) { setTimeout( function() { body.animate({opacity: 1}, 200); }, 400 ); } // Header custom shape size. $( 'div[class*="cz_row_shape_"]' ).codevz( 'row_shape', function( x ) { Codevz.heightChanged( x, function() { var cls = '.' + ( x.attr( 'class' ) || '' ).replace( / | /g, '.' ), hei = x.height() + 37; !x.find( '> style' ).length && x.append( '' ); x.find( '> style' ).html( cls + ' .row:before,' + cls + ' .row:after{width:' + hei + 'px}.elms_row ' + cls + ':before, .elms_row ' + cls + ':after{width:' + hei + 'px}' ); }); }); // Social Dorpdown. body.on( 'click', '.xtra-social-icon-trigger', function() { var x = $( this ), box = x.next( '.xtra-social-dropdown' ); if ( box.length ) { if ( box.is( ':visible' ) ) { box.fadeOut( 'fast' ); } else { box.fadeIn( 'fast' ); } } }).on( 'click', function( e ) { if ( $( e.target ).closest( '.cz_elm' ).length ) { return; } $( '.xtra-social-dropdown' ).fadeOut( 'fast' ); }); // On resize. var alignFull = $( '.alignfull' ), headerLine = $( '.header_line_1' ), fixedFooter = $( '.cz_fixed_footer' ), videos = $( '.cz_iframe, .content iframe, object, embed' ).not( '.wp-embedded-content' ), timeout; // Functions on window resize. wind.on( 'resize.xtra', function() { clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = setTimeout( function() { // Current window width. var wind_width = wind.width(); // WP 5.x gutenberg ready. alignFull.length && alignFull.each( function( i, x ) { var x = $( x ), inla_width = x.parent().width(), from_left = ( ( wind_width - inla_width ) / 2 ); x.css( { width: wind_width, left: -from_left } ); }); // Footer fixed. fixedFooter.length && body.css( 'margin-bottom', fixedFooter.height() ); // Videos iframe auto size. videos.length && videos.each( function( i, x, w ) { x = $( x ); x.attr( 'data-aspectRatio', x.height() / x.width() ).removeAttr( 'height width' ); w = x.parent().width(); x.width( w ).height( w * x.attr( 'data-aspectRatio' ) ); }); }, 1000 ); }).trigger( 'resize.xtra' ); // Element: line auto height. setTimeout( function() { headerLine.codevz( 'full_line', function( x ) { Codevz.heightChanged( x.closest( '.row' ), function() { x.css( 'height', '0px' ); setTimeout( function() { x.css( 'height', x.closest( '.row' ).height() ); }, 10 ); }); }); }, body.hasClass( 'elementor-editor-active' ) ? 3000 : 1500 ); // Posts equality. $( '.cz_default_loop_grid' ).closest( '.cz_posts_container' ).codevz( 'dlg_equal', function( x ) { x.addClass( 'cz_posts_equal' ); }); // Widget nav menu dropdown. $( '.widget_nav_menu .menu-item-has-children > a' ).codevz( 'wnmi', function( x ) { if ( ! x.find( '.fa-angle-down' ).length ) { x.append( '' ); } }); // Widget nav menu dropdown arrow. body.on( 'click', '.widget_nav_menu .menu-item-has-children > a > i', function( e ) { $( this ).toggleClass( 'fa-angle-down fa-angle-up' ).closest( 'li' ).find( '> ul' ).slideToggle(); e.preventDefault(); // Dropdown menu off screen. }).on( 'mouseenter', '.sf-menu .menu-item-has-children', function() { var dropdown = $( this ).find( '> ul' ).removeClass( 'cz_open_menu_reverse' ), isVisible = dropdown.offset().left + dropdown.width() <= inla.width(); dropdown[ isVisible ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass' ]( 'cz_open_menu_reverse' ); }); // Menus $( '.sf-menu' ).each( function( i ) { var x = $( this ), indicator = x.data( 'indicator' ) || ( x.hasClass( 'offcanvas_menu' ) ? 'fa fa-angle-down' : '' ), indicator2 = x.data( 'indicator2' ) || ( x.hasClass( 'offcanvas_menu' ) ? 'fa fa-angle-down' : '' ); // Superfish. x.codevzMenu({ onInit: function() { // Menu indicators. $( '.sub-menu', this ).parent().each( function() { var en = $( this ), a = en.find( '> a, > h6' ); if ( ! a.find( '.cz_indicator' ).length ) { if ( $( '.cz_menu_subtitle', a ).length ) { $( '.cz_menu_subtitle', a ).before( '' ); } else { a.append( '' ); } } if ( indicator || indicator2 ) { $( '.cz_indicator', a ).addClass( a.closest( '.sub-menu' ).length ? indicator2 : indicator ); } if ( ! en.find( 'li, div' ).length ) { en.find( '.cz_indicator' ).remove(); en.next( 'ul' ).remove(); } // Empty href. !en.attr( 'href' ) && en.removeClass( 'current_menu' ); // Fix: Current active menu in dropdown. en.find( '.current_menu' ).length && setTimeout(function() { en.addClass( 'current_menu' ); }, 250 ); }); // Fix: Keep original current menu in dropdown menu. if ( x.find( '.current_menu ul > .current-menu-item' ).length ) { x.find( '.current_menu ul > .current-menu-item' ).siblings().removeClass( 'current_menu' ); // If there is no current menu but ancestor exists. } else if ( ! x.find( '.current_menu' ).length && x.find( '.current-page-ancestor, .current-post-ancestor, .current-menu-item' ).length ) { $( x.find( '.current-page-ancestor, .current-post-ancestor, .current-menu-item' )[0] ).addClass( 'current_menu' ); } // Auto responsive menu items according to window width. if ( x.not( '#menu_header_4, #menu_fixed_side_1, .cz-not-three-dots' ).length ) { wind.on( 'resize.responsive', function() { var en = x, parent = en.parent(), elementor = en.closest( '.elementor-container' ), menu_margin = parseFloat( parent.css( 'margin-left' ) ) + parseFloat( parent.css( 'margin-right' ) ), elements = 0, container, three_dots = ( body.attr( 'class' ).indexOf( 'codevz-plus' ) >= 0 ) ? '' : '...'; setTimeout( function() { // Reset en.append( en.find( '.cz-extra-menus > .sub-menu > li' ) ).find( '.cz-extra-menus' ).remove(); // Add icon dots if ( ! en.find( '.cz-extra-menus' ).length ) { var submenu_title = $( '.cz_menu_subtitle' ).text() ? ' ' : ''; en.append( '
  • '); } var nw = en.find( '.cz-extra-menus' ), nw_ul = nw.find( '> ul' ); nw.hide().prev().addClass( 'cz-last-child' ); // Get elements width en.parent().parent().find( '.cz_elm' ).not( parent ).each(function() { elements += $( this ).outerWidth() + parseFloat( $( this ).css( 'margin-left' ) ) + parseFloat( $( this ).css( 'margin-right' ) ); }); // Move back to parent nw_ul.find( '> li' ).appendTo( en ); // Move to hidden menu $( en.find( '> li' ).not( '.cz-extra-menus' ).get().reverse() ).each( function() { if ( elementor.length ) { container = elementor.outerWidth(); } else { container = en.closest( '.have_center' ).length ? parent.parent().parent().outerWidth() : parent.parent().outerWidth(); } if ( ( parent.outerWidth() + menu_margin ) + elements + ( elementor ? 0 : 25 ) > container ) { $( this ).prependTo( nw_ul ); nw.show(); } }); }, 1000 ); }).trigger( 'resize.responsive' ); } }, onBeforeShow: function() { var x = $( this ); // Sub menu. if ( x.hasClass('sub-menu') ) { // Check if mega menu is fullwide if ( x.parent().hasClass( 'cz_megamenu_width_fullwide' ) ) { var megamenu_row = body, megamenu_row_offset = megamenu_row.offset().left, megamenu_row_width = megamenu_row.width(); x.attr( 'style', x.attr( 'style' ) + 'width: ' + wind.width() + 'px;left:' + ( megamenu_row_offset - x.parent().offset().left ) + 'px;margin-right:0;margin-left:0;right:auto !important;' ); } // Sub-menu styling if ( x.parent().data( 'sub-menu' ) ) { setTimeout(function() { x.attr( 'style', x.attr( 'style' ) + x.parent().data( 'sub-menu' ) ); }, 50 ); } // Megamenu if ( x.parent().hasClass( 'cz_parent_megamenu' ) ) { x.addClass( 'cz_megamenu_' + $( '> .cz', x ).length ).find( 'ul' ).addClass( 'cz_megamenu_inner_ul clr' ); } // Megamenu full row if ( x.parent().hasClass( 'cz_megamenu_width_full_row' ) ) { var megamenu_row = $( '.row' ), megamenu_row_offset = megamenu_row.offset().left, megamenu_row_width = megamenu_row.width(); if ( x.closest( '.cz-extra-menus' ).length ) { megamenu_row_width = megamenu_row_width - ( megamenu_row.width() - x.parent().offset().left + 10 ); } x.attr( 'style', x.attr( 'style' ) + 'width: ' + megamenu_row_width + 'px;left:' + ( megamenu_row_offset - x.parent().offset().left ) + 'px;' ); } } if ( x.closest('.fixed_side').length ) { var pwidth = x.parent().closest( '.sub-menu' ).length ? '.sub-menu' : '.sf-menu', ff_pos = $( '.fixed_side' ).hasClass( 'fixed_side_left' ) ? 'left' : 'right'; x.css( ff_pos, x.closest( pwidth ).width() ); } setTimeout( function() { // Lazyload image in dropdown menus. wind.trigger( 'scroll.lazyload' ); // Fix carousel. if ( x.find( '.slick' ).length ) { wind.trigger( 'resize.slick' ); } }, 200 ); } }); }); // Fix mobile menu icon. $( 'i.icon_mobile_offcanvas_menu' ).removeClass( 'hide' ); // Dropdown Menu body.on( 'click', '.icon_dropdown_menu', function( e ) { var x = $( this ), pos = x.position(), nav = x.parent().find('.sf-menu'), row = $( this ).closest('.row').height(), offset = ( ( inla.outerWidth() + inla.offset().left ) - x.offset().left ); nav.fadeToggle( 'fast' ); body.on( 'click.cz_idm', function(e) { nav.fadeOut( 'fast' ); body.off( 'click.cz_idm' ); }); $( '.cz', nav ).on( 'mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', function(e) { if ( $( e.target ).hasClass( 'cz_indicator' ) ) { $( this ).closest( 'li' ).find('> ul').fadeToggle( 'fast' ); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); e.stopPropagation(); // Open Menu Horizontal }).on( 'click', '.icon_open_horizontal', function( e ) { var x = $( this ), pos = x.position(), nav = x.parent().find('.sf-menu'), row = $( this ).closest('.row').height(), offset = ( ( inla.outerWidth() + inla.offset().left ) - x.offset().left ); nav.fadeToggle( 'fast' ); Codevz.showOneByOne( $( '> .cz', nav ), 100, ( nav.hasClass( 'inview_left' ) ? 'left' : 'right' ) ); body.on( 'click.cz_ioh', function(e) { nav.fadeOut( 'fast' ); body.off( 'click.cz_ioh' ); }); e.stopPropagation(); // Mobile Menu }).on( 'click', 'i.icon_mobile_offcanvas_menu', function() { var x = $( this ); if ( ! x.hasClass( 'done' ) ) { Codevz.offCanvas( x.addClass( 'done' ), 1 ); var ul_offcanvas = $( 'ul.offcanvas_area' ), indicator = ul_offcanvas.data( 'indicator' ), default_ind = ul_offcanvas.hasClass( 'offcanvas_menu' ) ? 'fa fa-angle-down' : '', indicator = indicator ? indicator : default_ind, indicator2 = ul_offcanvas.data( 'indicator2' ), indicator2 = indicator2 ? indicator2 : default_ind, additional = x.parent().find( '.xtra-mobile-menu-additional' ); additional.length && ul_offcanvas.append( '
  • ' + additional.html() + '
  • ' ); // Add mobile menus indicator if ( indicator.length || indicator2.length ) { x.next( '.sf-menu' ).find( '.sf-with-ul' ).each(function() { $( '.cz_indicator', this ).addClass( ( x.parent().parent().hasClass( 'sf-menu' ) ? indicator : indicator2 ) ); }); } $( '.sf-with-ul, .cz > h6', ul_offcanvas ).on( 'click', function( e ) { if ( $( e.target ).hasClass( 'cz_indicator' ) || $( e.target ).attr( 'href' ) == '#' ) { $( this ).next().slideToggle( 'fast' ); e.preventDefault(); } }); } // OffCanvas }).on( 'click', '.offcanvas_container > i', function() { var x = $( this ); if ( ! x.hasClass( 'done' ) ) { Codevz.offCanvas( x.addClass( 'done' ), 1 ); } // Fullscreen Menu }).on( 'click', '.icon_fullscreen_menu', function( e ) { var x = $( '.fullscreen_menu' ); body.addClass( 'cz_noStickySidebar' ).find( '.fixed_side_1.have_center' ).find( '.fullscreen_menu,.xtra-close-icon' ).appendTo( '.fixed_side_1.have_center' ); x.fadeIn( 'fast' ).on( 'click', function() { $( this ).delay( 500 ).fadeOut( 'fast', function() { body.removeClass( 'cz_noStickySidebar' ); $( '.xtra-close-icon' ).addClass( 'hide' ); page.removeClass( 'no-scroll' ); }); }); if ( x.is(':visible') ) { page.addClass( 'no-scroll' ); Codevz.showOneByOne( $( '> .cz', x ), 150 ); } var h = x.find( '> li' ).height() * ( ( x.find( '> li' ).length - 1 ) / 2 ); x.css( 'padding-top', ( ( wind.height() / 2 ) - h ) ); $( '.xtra-close-icon' ).toggleClass( 'hide' ).off().on( 'click', function() { $( this ).addClass( 'hide' ); x.fadeOut( 'fast' ); page.removeClass( 'no-scroll' ); }); // Fullscreen }).on( 'mouseenter mouseleave', 'ul.fullscreen_menu .cz', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); }).on( 'click', 'ul.fullscreen_menu .cz', function( e ) { if ( $( e.target ).hasClass( 'cz_indicator' ) ) { $( this ).closest( 'li' ).find( '> ul' ).fadeToggle( 'fast' ); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } // Hidden fullwidth content }).on( 'click', '.hf_elm_icon', function( e ) { var x = $( this ); x.next( '.hf_elm_area' ).slideToggle( 'fast' ).css({ width: inla.outerWidth(), left: inla.offset().left, top: x.offset().top + x.outerHeight() }); body.on( 'click.cz_hf_elm', function(e) { $( '.hf_elm_area' ).slideUp( 'fast' ); body.off( 'click.cz_hf_elm' ); }); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Extra $( '.tagcloud' ).addClass( 'clr' ); // Input buttons to button tag $( '.form-submit .submit, input.search-submit, .wpcf7-submit' ).codevz( 'button', function() { var x = $( this ); $( '' ).insertAfter( x ); x.detach(); }); // Post views count. $( '.xtra-post-views' ).codevz( 'post_views', function() { var x = $( this ); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: body.data( 'ajax' ) || ajaxurl, dataType: 'html', data: "action=codevz_ajax_post_views&id=" + x.attr( 'data-id' ) + "&nonce=" + x.attr( 'data-nonce' ), success: function( data ) { console.log( data ); // Post views count worked. }, error: function( xhr, status, error ) { console.log( xhr, status, error ); } }); }); this.menu_anchor(); }, // Menu Anchor. menu_anchor: function() { // Disable Elementor links anchor. if ( typeof elementorFrontend != 'undefined' ) { setTimeout( function() { elementorFrontend.elements.$document.off( 'click', elementorFrontend.utils.anchors.getSettings( 'selectors.links' ), elementorFrontend.utils.anchors.handleAnchorLinks ); }, 500 ); } // Prevent hashtag link jump. $( "a[href='#']" ).not( 'a[target="_blank"]' ).on( 'click.prevent_jump', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); }); // Init. var aBar = body.hasClass( 'admin-bar' ) ? 32 : 0, mLink = $( "a[href*='#']" ).not( "a[href='#'],a[target='_blank']" ), sticky = $( '.header_is_sticky' ).not( '.smart_sticky, .header_4' ), scrollTop = 0, timeout, scrollToAnchor = function( target ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = setTimeout( function() { target = target.replace( '%20', ' ' ); target = ( target.indexOf( '#' ) >= 0 ) ? $( target ) : $( '#' + target ); if ( target.length && ! target.hasClass( 'cz_popup_modal' ) ) { scrollTop = $( document ).scrollTop(); if ( wind.width() < 768 && $( '.header_4.header_is_sticky' ).length ) { sticky = $( '.header_4.header_is_sticky' ).not( '.smart_sticky' ); } if ( scrollTop == 0 && sticky.length ) { $( document ).scrollTop( 1 ); } setTimeout( function() { page.animate({ scrollTop: target.offset().top - aBar - ( sticky.outerHeight() || 0 ) }, 1200, 'easeInOutCodevz', function() { page.stop(); }); }, scrollTop == 0 ? 450 : 1 ); } }, 50 ); }; // Prevent page scroll jumping. var target = window.location.hash; if ( target ) { target = target.replace( '#', '' ).replace( '%20', ' ' ); if ( $( '#' + target ).length ) { // Stop scroll. page.animate({scrollTop: 0}, 1); // Scroll to anchor. setTimeout(function() { scrollToAnchor( target ); }, 1500 ); } } // Links. if ( mLink.length ) { mLink.off( 'click.anchor' ).on( 'click.anchor', function( e ) { if ( $( this ).not( 'a[href*="#top"],[data-tab],.cz_popup_modal,.cz_no_anchor,.cz_no_anchor a, .vc_general, .cz_no_anchor a, .cz_lrpr a, .wc-tabs a, .cz_edit_popup_link, .page-numbers a, #cancel-comment-reply-link, .vc_carousel-control, [data-vc-container],.comment-form-rating a,.sm2-bar-ui a,.lwptoc a' ).length ) { if ( ! $( e.target ).hasClass( 'cz_indicator' ) ) { if ( $( this.hash ).length && location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') && location.hostname == this.hostname ) { scrollToAnchor( this.hash ); } else if ( this.hash ) { location = $( this ).attr( 'href' ); } } e.preventDefault(); } }); var mPage = $( '.sf-menu' ), mPageH = mPage.outerHeight() + 15, mItems = mPage.find( "a[href*='#']" ).not( "a[href='#']" ), sItems = mItems.map(function(){ var item = $( $( this ).attr( "href" ).replace( /\s+|%20/g, "" ).replace( /^.*\#(.*)$/g, "#$1" ) ); if ( item.length ) { return item; } }); wind.on( 'scroll.anchor', function() { clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = setTimeout( function() { var ft = $( this ).scrollTop() + mPageH + aBar + ( sticky.outerHeight() || 0 ), cur = sItems.map(function() { if ( $(this).offset().top < ft ) return this; }); cur = cur[cur.length-1]; var id = cur && cur.length ? cur[0].id : ""; if ( id && ! $( '#' + id + '.cz_popup_modal' ).length && $( '#' + id ).length ) { body.trigger( 'click' ); mItems.parent().removeClass( "current_menu" ).end().filter( "[href*='#" + id + "']" ).parent().addClass( "current_menu" ); } else { mItems.parent().removeClass( "current_menu" ); } }, 50 ); }); } }, // Height changed = run callback. heightChanged: function( elm, callback ) { var lastHeight = elm.outerHeight(), newHeight; // First. callback(); // Height detect. ( function run() { newHeight = elm.outerHeight(); if ( lastHeight != newHeight ) { callback(); lastHeight = newHeight; } if ( elm.onElementHeightChangeTimer ) { clearTimeout( elm.onElementHeightChangeTimer ); } elm.onElementHeightChangeTimer = setTimeout( run, 500 ); })(); }, /* * offCanvas area */ offCanvas: function( selector, click ) { var parent = selector.parent(), area = selector.next(), layout = $( '#layout' ), overlay = $( '.cz_overlay' ), isRight, i, fixed_side = 0, close, timeout; if ( area.length ) { var area = area.clone(), isRight = area.hasClass( 'inview_right' ), new_class = area.hasClass('sf-menu') ? 'sf-menu offcanvas_area' : 'offcanvas_area offcanvas_original'; body.prepend( area.removeClass().addClass( 'sidebar_offcanvas_area' ).addClass( new_class + ( isRight ? ' inview_right' : ' inview_left' ) ) ); var area_w = area.width() + 80; if ( selector.closest( '.elementor-element' ).length ) { var elementor_page = $( '.content [data-elementor-id]' ).attr( 'data-elementor-id' ); body.addClass( 'elementor-page-' + elementor_page + ' elementor-' + elementor_page ); var classList = selector.closest( '.elementor-element' ).attr('class').split(/\s+/); $.each( classList, function( index, item ) { if ( item.indexOf( 'elementor-element-' ) == 0 ) { area.addClass( 'elementor-element ' + item ); } }); } area.find( '.sub-menu' ).hide(); } else { return; } // Open icon selector.on( 'click', function(e) { if ( area.hasClass( 'active_offcanvas' ) && ! body.hasClass( 'offcanvas_doing' ) ) { page.removeClass( 'no-scroll' ); overlay.trigger( 'click' ); } else { page.addClass( 'no-scroll' ); $( 'html' ).css( 'margin-top', '0 !important' ); $( '#layout' ).css( 'margin-top', '40px !important' ); // Close icon if ( body.attr( 'class' ).indexOf( 'codevz-plus' ) >= 0 ) { area.before( '' ); } else { area.before( '' ); } close = area.prev( '.offcanvas-close' ); close.on( 'click', function(e) { if ( click ) { body.removeClass( 'active_offcanvas' ); area.removeClass( 'active_offcanvas' ); overlay.fadeOut(); setTimeout(function() { $( '.offcanvas-close' ).detach(); wind.trigger( 'resize' ); page.removeClass( 'no-scroll' ); }, 500 ); click = 0; } else { overlay.trigger( 'click' ); } }); close.css( ( isRight ? 'right' : 'left' ), area.outerWidth() + fixed_side ); body.addClass( 'offcanvas_doing active_offcanvas' + ( isRight ? ' cz_offcanvas_right' : ' cz_offcanvas_left' ) ); area.addClass( 'active_offcanvas' ); if ( wind.width() > 768 ) { if ( ( $( '.fixed_side_left' ).length && $( '.cz_offcanvas_left' ).length ) || $( '.fixed_side_right' ).length && $( '.cz_offcanvas_right' ).length ) { if ( ! $( '#cz_ofs' ).length ) { $( 'head' ).append( '' ); } fixed_side = $( '.fixed_side' ).width(); $( '#cz_ofs' ).html( '.active_offcanvas .offcanvas_area.active_offcanvas{transform:translateX(' + ( isRight ? '-' : '' ) + fixed_side + 'px)}' ); } } overlay.fadeIn(); setTimeout(function() { body.removeClass( 'offcanvas_doing' ); }, 1250 ); } e.stopPropagation(); }); // First time if ( click ) { selector.trigger( 'click' ); } // Prevent close on open icon area.on( 'click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); // reCall anchors this.menu_anchor(); // Click on body overlay.on( 'click', function( e ) { if ( $( '.active_offcanvas' ).length && ! body.hasClass( 'offcanvas_doing' ) ) { body.removeClass( 'active_offcanvas' ); area.removeClass( 'active_offcanvas' ); overlay.fadeOut(); setTimeout(function() { $( '.offcanvas-close' ).detach(); wind.trigger( 'resize' ); page.removeClass( 'no-scroll' ); }, 500 ); } setTimeout(function() { if ( ! overlay.is( ':visible' ) && $( '.active_offcanvas' ).length ) { $( '.offcanvas-close' ).trigger( 'click' ); page.removeClass( 'no-scroll' ); } }, 500 ); }); // Close mobile on window resize. wind.on( 'resize.offcanvas_close', function( e ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = setTimeout( function() { var mh4 = $( '#menu_header_4' ); if( mh4.hasClass( 'active_offcanvas' ) && wind.width() > 768 ) { mh4.prev( 'i' ).trigger( 'click' ); } }, 50 ); }); // Reload necessary scripts. if( ! area.hasClass( 'xtra-reload-js' ) ) { // Fix menu icon click issue specially on mobile. area.find( '.cz a' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { if ( $( e.target ).hasClass( 'cz_indicator' ) ) { var en = $( this ); en.attr( 'data-href', en.attr( 'href' ) ).attr( 'href', '#' ); setTimeout( function() { en.attr( 'href', en.attr( 'data-href' ) ); }, 250 ); } }); // reInit codevz plus. if ( typeof Codevz_Plus != 'undefined' ) { Codevz_Plus.init(); if ( typeof Codevz_Plus.working_hours != 'undefined' ) { Codevz_Plus.working_hours(); } } // Lazyload image inside offcanvas. setTimeout( function() { $( window ).trigger( 'scroll.lazyload' ); area.find( '[data-src]' ).each( function() { $( this ).attr( 'src', $( this ).data( 'src' ) ).removeAttr( 'data-src' ); }); area.find( '.cz_tooltip' ).removeClass( 'cz_tooltip_down cz_tooltip_right cz_tooltip_left' ).addClass( 'cz_tooltip_up' ); }, 500 ); // reInit contact form 7. if( typeof wpcf7 != 'undefined' && area.find( '.wpcf7' ).length ) { area.find( 'div.wpcf7 > form' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); if ( $.fn.initForm ) { wpcf7.initForm( $this ); if ( wpcf7.cached ) { wpcf7.refill( $this ); } } } ); } // reInit Facebook. setTimeout( function(){ if ( window.FB ) { FB.XFBML.parse(); } }, 2000 ); area.addClass( 'xtra-reload-js' ); } }, /* * Show one by one with delay */ showOneByOne: function( e, s, d ) { var e = ( d == 'left' ) ? $( e.get().reverse() ) : e, b = ( d == 'left' ) ? {opacity:0,left:10} : {opacity: 0,left:-10}; e.css( b ).each(function( i ) { $( this ).delay( s * i ).animate({opacity:1,left:0}); }); }, }; })( jQuery ); jQuery( function( $ ) { Codevz.init(); });