! function( $ ) {
"use strict";
if ( typeof Codevz_Plus != 'object' ) {
var Codevz_Plus = {};
Codevz_Plus.woocommerce = function( quantity, timeout ) {
var body = $( document.body ),
cartForm = $( '.woocommerce-cart-form__contents' );
if ( cartForm.length && ! $( '.xtra-cart-td-prefix' ).length ) {
var cartItem = $( '.cart_item' ),
productText = cartForm.find( 'th.product-name' ).text(),
priceText = cartForm.find( 'th.product-price' ).text(),
quantityText = cartForm.find( 'th.product-quantity' ).text(),
subTotalText = cartForm.find( 'th.product-subtotal' ).text();
cartItem.find( 'td.product-name' ).prepend( '
' + productText + '
' );
cartItem.find( 'td.product-price' ).prepend( '' + priceText + '
' );
cartItem.find( 'td.product-quantity' ).prepend( '' + quantityText + '
' );
cartItem.find( 'td.product-subtotal' ).prepend( '' + subTotalText + '
' );
// Product quantity field
if ( $( '.quantity' ).length ) {
$( '.quantity input' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this ),
grouped = $this.closest( '.woocommerce-grouped-product-list-item' ).length;
if ( ! $this.next( '.quantity-up' ).length ) {
$( '-
' ).insertBefore( $this );
$( '+
' ).insertAfter( $this );
$this.parent().on( 'click', '.quantity-up, .quantity-down', function() {
var en = $( this ),
input = en.closest( '.quantity' ).find( 'input' ),
oldValue = parseInt( input.val() ) || 0,
oldValue = en.hasClass( 'quantity-down' ) && oldValue <= 1 && ! grouped ? 2 : oldValue,
oldValue = en.hasClass( 'quantity-down' ) && oldValue == 0 ? 1 : oldValue;
input.val( en.hasClass( 'quantity-up' ) ? oldValue + 1 : oldValue - 1 ).trigger( 'change' );
// Update cart fix quantity script.
body.on( 'updated_cart_totals', function( e ) {
Codevz_Plus.woocommerce( 2 );
// Auto update cart.
}).on( 'change', '.woocommerce-cart-form input.qty', function() {
clearTimeout( timeout );
timeout = setTimeout( function() {
$( '[name="update_cart"]' ).trigger( 'click' );
}, 1000 );
// Only quantity
if ( quantity ) {
// Auto x-position shop cart in header.
if ( $( '.elms_shop_cart' ).length ) {
body.on( 'mouseenter', '.elms_shop_cart', function() {
var cartX = $( this ),
iconX = cartX.find( '.shop_icon i' ),
iconWidth = iconX.outerWidth(),
dropdown = cartX.find( '.cz_cart_items' );
if ( ( $( window ).width() / 2 ) > ( cartX.offset().left + 300 ) ) {
cartX.addClass( 'inview_right' );
var iconMl = parseFloat( iconX.css( 'marginLeft' ) );
if ( body.hasClass( 'rtl' ) ) {
dropdown.css( 'left', ( ( iconWidth / 2 ) - 38 + iconMl ) );
} else {
dropdown.css( 'left', -( ( iconWidth / 2 ) - 36 + iconMl ) );
} else {
dropdown.css( 'right', ( ( iconWidth / 2 ) - 36 + parseFloat( iconX.css( 'marginRight' ) ) ) );
// Current wishlist items
if ( $( '.xtra-add-to-wishlist' ).length || $( '.xtra-wishlist' ).length || $( '.cz_wishlist_count' ).length ) {
var wishlist = localStorage.getItem( 'xtraWishlist' ),
wishlistDiv = $( '.xtra-wishlist' ),
noWishlist = '' + wishlistDiv.data( 'empty' ) + '
// Wishlist shortcode
wishlistDiv.length && wishlistDiv.each( function() {
var en = $( this ),
nonce = en.data( 'nonce' );
if ( wishlist ) {
// Check ID's.
$.post( body.data( 'ajax' ), 'action=xtra_wishlist_content&check=1&ids=' + wishlist + '&nonce=' + nonce, function( msg ) {
localStorage.setItem( 'xtraWishlist', msg );
wishlist = msg;
// Get wishlist products.
$.post( body.data( 'ajax' ), 'action=xtra_wishlist_content&ids=' + wishlist + '&nonce=' + nonce, function( msg ) {
en.removeClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).html( msg );
$( '.product' ).prepend( '' );
var count = localStorage.getItem( 'xtraWishlist' ).replace( /\d+/g,'' ).length;
// Count
if ( count ) {
$( '.cz_wishlist_count' ).show().html( count || '' );
} else {
$( '.cz_wishlist_count' ).hide();
en.removeClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).html( noWishlist );
if ( ! en.find( 'li' ).length ) {
en.removeClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).html( noWishlist );
} else {
en.removeClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).html( noWishlist );
// Set wishlist products
if ( wishlist ) {
wishlist = wishlist.split( ',' );
$.each( wishlist, function( index, id ) {
var product = $( '[data-id="' + id + '"] .xtra-add-to-wishlist' );
if ( product.length ) {
product.removeClass( 'fa-heart-o' ).addClass( 'fa-heart' ).attr( 'data-title', xtra_strings.added_wishlist );
var count = localStorage.getItem( 'xtraWishlist' ).replace( /\d+/g,'' ).length;
// Count
if ( count ) {
$( '.cz_wishlist_count' ).show().html( count );
} else {
$( '.cz_wishlist_count' ).hide();
wishlistDiv.removeClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).html( noWishlist );
// Wishlist
body.on( 'click', '.xtra-add-to-wishlist,.xtra-remove-from-wishlist', function(e) {
var en = $( this ),
id = en.closest( '.product' ).find( '[data-id]' ).data( 'id' ) + ',',
ls = localStorage.getItem( 'xtraWishlist' ) || '',
tt = en.attr( 'data-title' );
if ( en.hasClass( 'fa-heart' ) && ! en.closest( '.xtra-wishlist' ).length ) {
window.location.replace( xtra_strings.wishlist_url );
} else {
en.addClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).removeAttr( 'data-title' );
setTimeout(function() {
if ( en.hasClass( 'fa-heart' ) || en.hasClass( 'fa-times' ) ) {
ls = ls.replace( id, '' );
localStorage.setItem( 'xtraWishlist', ls );
tt = xtra_strings.add_wishlist;
en.removeClass( 'fa-heart' ).addClass( 'fa-heart-o' );
} else if ( ls.indexOf( id ) < 0 ) {
localStorage.setItem( 'xtraWishlist', ls + id );
tt = xtra_strings.added_wishlist;
$( '[data-id="' + id.replace( ',', '' ) + '"] .xtra-add-to-wishlist' ).removeClass( 'fa-heart-o' ).addClass( 'fa-heart' ).attr( 'data-title', xtra_strings.added_wishlist );
en.removeClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' );
setTimeout( function() {
en.attr( 'data-title', tt );
}, 250 );
// Wishlist page.
if ( en.closest( '.xtra-wishlist' ).length ) {
en.closest( 'li' ).fadeOut(function() {
$( this ).remove();
if ( ! wishlistDiv.find( 'li' ).length ) {
wishlistDiv.removeClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).html( noWishlist );
var count = localStorage.getItem( 'xtraWishlist' ).replace( /\d+/g,'' ).length;
// Count
if ( count ) {
$( '.cz_wishlist_count' ).show().html( count || '' );
} else {
$( '.cz_wishlist_count' ).hide();
wishlistDiv.removeClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).html( noWishlist );
}, 1000 );
// Product quick view.
if ( $( '.xtra-product-quick-view' ).length || $( '.xtra-wishlist' ).length ) {
body.on( 'click', '.xtra-product-quick-view', function( e ) {
var x = $( this ),
id = x.parent().data( 'id' ),
nonce = x.data( 'nonce' ),
popup = $( '#xtra_quick_view' ),
content = popup.find( '.cz_popup_in > div' ),
tt = x.attr( 'data-title' );
popup.appendTo( 'body' );
x.addClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).removeAttr( 'data-title' );
content.html( '' );
content.addClass( 'xtra-qv-loading' );
popup.fadeIn( 'fast' ).delay( 1000 ).addClass( 'cz_show_popup' );
$( 'html, body' ).addClass( 'no-scroll' );
$.post( body.data( 'ajax' ), 'action=xtra_quick_view&id=' + id + '&nonce=' + nonce, function( msg ) {
x.removeClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).attr( 'data-title', tt );
content.removeClass().html( msg );
// Set wishlist in quickview.
if ( localStorage.getItem( 'xtraWishlist' ) && localStorage.getItem( 'xtraWishlist' ).indexOf( id ) >= 0 ) {
$( '[data-id="' + id + '"] .xtra-add-to-wishlist' ).removeClass( 'fa-heart-o' ).addClass( 'fa-heart' ).attr( 'data-title', xtra_strings.added_wishlist );
// Fix flex slider.
setTimeout( function() {
content.find( '.woocommerce-product-gallery' ).each( function() {
$( this ).wc_product_gallery();
} );
}, 500 );
Codevz_Plus.woocommerce( 1 );
return false;
// Remove item from cart ajax.
if ( $( '.cart_list .remove' ).length ) {
body.on( 'click', '.cart_list .remove', function( e ) {
var x = $( this );
x.css( 'background', 'none' ).addClass( 'xtra-icon-loading' ).removeAttr( 'data-title' );
$.post( body.data( 'ajax' ), 'action=xtra_remove_item_from_cart&id=' + x.data( 'product_id' ), function( msg ) {
if ( $( '.cz_cart' ).find( '.woocommerce-Price-amount' ).text() == $( msg['fragments']['.cz_cart'] ).find( '.woocommerce-Price-amount' ).text() ) {
window.location = x.attr( 'href' );
} else {
$( '.cz_cart' ).html( msg['fragments']['.cz_cart'] );
// Prevent submit login and register with empty inputs
if ( $( '.woocommerce-form-login button, .woocommerce-form-register button' ).length ) {
body.on( 'click', '.woocommerce-form-login button, .woocommerce-form-register button', function() {
var x = $( this ), check;
x.closest( 'form' ).find( 'input' ).css( 'animation', 'none' ).each(function() {
if ( ! x.val() ) {
check = false;
return false;
} else {
check = true;
if ( ! check ) {
return false;
// Append onsale badge to parent.
$( '.products .onsale' ).codevz( 'onsale', function( x ) {
x.appendTo( x.closest( 'a' ) );
// Fix City and state for RTL websites.
if ( body.hasClass( 'woocommerce-checkout' ) && body.hasClass( 'rtl' ) ) {
setTimeout( function() {
$( '#billing_state_field' ).insertBefore( '#billing_city_field' );
}, 500 );
// Tabs scroll to.
if ( body.hasClass( 'single-product' ) ) {
setTimeout( function() {
body.on( 'click', '.wc-tabs a', function() {
var $page = $( 'html, body' ),
sticky = $( '.header_is_sticky' ).not( '.smart_sticky,.header_4' );
scrollTop: $( '.woocommerce-tabs' ).offset().top - 50 - ( sticky.outerHeight() || 0 )
}, 1000, 'easeInOutCodevz', function() {
}, 3000 );
// Product tabs in mobile.
var $tabs = $( '.wc-tabs' );
if ( $tabs.find( 'li' ).length >= 3 ) {
$tabs.addClass( 'hide_on_mobile' ).before( '' );
$tabs.find( 'li' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this );
$( '.xtra-woo-tabs' ).append( '' );
$( '.xtra-woo-tabs' ).on( 'change', function() {
$tabs.find( '#' + this.value + ' > a' ).trigger( 'click' );
// Disable product page lightbox
$( '.woo-disable-lightbox .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper > div:first-child a' ).removeAttr( 'href' ).css( 'cursor', 'default' );
// Move single onSale badge to sticky.
$( '.xtra-single-product' ).prev( '.onsale' ).prependTo( $( '.xtra-single-product > div:first-child' ) );
// Woo sticky column.
$( '.woocommerce-product-gallery' ).addClass( 'cz_sticky_col' );
} // Single product page.
}( jQuery );